Monday, October 18, 2010

My Last Great Supper

I think I’m going to DIE….. I can barely keep my eyes open, I sleep over ten hours a day and all I can think of is cupcakes covered in decedent chocolate….or warm carrot cake slathered with creamy icing…..or better yet a frothy vanilla latte from my ex BFF Starbucks. (That mermaid really gets under my skin) At this point I’m really questioning why I thought cutting out all sugar and caffeine was such an attractive idea. In fact it just may be right up there with thinking I could be a marathon runner. (In my defense the running team took me on the wrong trail and before I knew it the advanced runners had me ten miles in…COME ON…who wouldn’t end it right then and there)
The last night of sugar and caffeine before this horrendous 30 day challenged was supposed to be glorious. My little sister was turning all of 23-years-old and we had plans to hit up an Armenian restaurant for dinner. Odd I know, but this was my brother-in-laws brilliant plan….in his defense he raved about a special dark chocolate cake he bought from a high end bakery called of all things……Sweet Lady Jane of Beverly Hills. I envisioned sitting next to my pregnant sister, downing delicious wine smugly, while eating with my hands piles of Armenian delights. I really don’t know what they eat in Armenia but I had this romantic notion that I would be sitting on silk pillows, candle lit with live music.  Plate after plate of rice, meats, curry sauce and soups would appear magically. This romantic setting would be followed by a round of cappuccino and this cake that has a better reputation than Mother Teresa would cap off the evening.
 Well let me be the first one to say it went NOTHING like I fantasized, other than the fact I was surrounded by my loved ones and it was in fact my sister’s birthday.  The evening started out with harsh lighting and cafeteria like seating. I was instantly relieved when the waiter came to take drink orders, nothing like a little vino to cure some bad lighting. Evidently in Armenia they don’t believe in wine or vodka, or pretty much any other suitable cocktail. Seeing as I loathe the taste of beer, I settle on something called Arak. In order to drink the Arak concoction you had to dilute it with water.  The moment it touched my lips, my mouth started to burn as a black licorice liquid coats my throat. This was a minor setback, but I assured myself after filling up on a fine dinner and dessert all would be forgotten.   This is the part of the last great supper that I would like to forget. Sure enough plates of something came out of that kitchen, and sure enough it kept coming. I just wish I could send it all back. Salty cheese and raw vegetables, raw meat served with dry over cooked flatbread completed the first round. I’m sure you can visualize how scrumptious the rest of the courses were.
My saving grace was the chocolate cake, which I have to say really kicked up the night. I’m not taking about the cake itself. In the Armenian custom they put what looks like a missile in the middle of the cake, but my favorite part wasn’t the hissing of the overwhelming flames billowing from the cake. My favorite part was when the owner/waiter/valet, started moonlighting as a DJ.  He turns off the cafeteria lighting, causing all to turn black then proceeds to flick on and off only the center lights. His strobe lights were only the beginning; he proceeds to blast 80’s workout music for a dramatic start and then heads into a pop version of Happy Birthday. Lucky for us an entire table of Armenians showed us how to get the party started. Mind you this is just a small restaurant. They make a dance circle in the center and force all the women a t our table to join them. If I was even slightly tipsy this would have been hilarious. The only problem is…’s not. This is my last night of freedom and I did not see it ending this way. I’d been waiting all day and in fact staring with my mouth salivating at my Sweet Lady Jane. My sister Erica passes a plate my way. This was it, after this my addiction to sugar and caffeine had to be cured.  After this one sweet slice, I was done. My rehab would start as soon as this last vice was taken care of. Of all the last sweet moments I could have enjoyed, this last slice of hard cold bitter chocolate will be my last for the next thirty days. Isn’t it supposed to be warm and light and fluffy and filled with some special filling?  Oh, hell what have I done? Let the games begin.

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Cake ON FIRE!!!

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Last Bite

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LOOKS beautiful

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No....THIS is the last bite....


  1. Well Brooke,
    Do not be ashamed! We all have our vices! Mine are....Pepsi with lots of ice, Starbucks, and chocolate anything. I've been following you since Gems and I KNOW you can do this!! Me???? Not so sure I'm 100% ready to cut all three loves out of my life. I am dealing with the trauma of having turned 40, you know? And my son is 16 and will be getting his drivers license any week now, oh and my daughter, my shy soon to be 15 yr old daughter, is suddenly blossoming and my husband wants to carry a loaded shotgun around with him. My honey is a fireman/paramedic, therefor he lives on constant brewed coffee.....the man amazes me....HE can have several cups after dinner, while I am drooling because it smells sooooooooo good, and still falls asleep in 6.5 seconds.

  2. Oops...still figuring out my iPad, sorry, I wasn't quite done yet. I am, however, willing to promise to cut out one, and cut back on the other two. Besides, in early November I'll be in Oaxaca on a short term mission trip with my church, therefor I will have no choice BUT to cut most of my loves out of my life for the duration that I am down there. I'll probably only have access to brewed coffee.....unless I take my own VIA from Starbu.....oh shoot....I better stop, I starting to drool all over this Pad thingy and will probably end up giving myself a perm if it explodes! I will be following you and encouraging you!!!! All my best!!

    Tammy...Camano Island Mum

  3. Sign me up to join you! Ahh... you have such determination to do this :)

    Elizabeth Kinney Stidham

  4. I think the drowsiness will subside after all the caffeine and sugar are out of your system. Then the trick will be saying no, even when the itch gets you. This is a tough time to be taking on this adventure with the holidays but I know you can do it. You always seem to laugh in the face of those that tell you you can't do something. I need to think about what my change will be. . .humm. GO TEAM PINK!

  5. Thanks Brook...This is very motivating. I think we all have something we need to work on. This came at a great time for me. Good luck to you....say can do anything for 30 days. I'm with you :)

  6. Blessed Love, Dark chocolate is actually good for your health...Too much sugar is not though...Coffee is not that good in the doses you are taking it, love.....It can cause liver issues...Keep the faith...You are a doll..A role model....You will get what you set out to do with Gods Guidance...I love you very much Brook....Jah Wayne

  7. What an advanture you are on - love watching every moment - love you bunches - can hardly wait to be able to chat in person. Mama Dana
